Begin Your Journey Into Music

Focus on building the skills you need to make music independently, so you can play the songs you love and enjoy playing the piano as a life-long hobby.

I teach lessons for both children (5 years old and older) and for adults. My students range from never-touched-a-piano-before to decided-to-pick-up-piano-again, but they all share the same goal: they want to play the songs they love. Currently, I offer lessons in my studio in North Austin.

piano keyboard stairway
Journey into music

Children’s Lessons

I use the Piano Adventure and A Dozen A Day series textbooks for children’s lessons.

Beginner Lessons

30 minutes long, $30/lesson

Beginner students start their lessons with the Primary level textbook. Besides learning to play the piano from textbook activities, students are introduced to music notation, sight reading & singing, and rhythm activities.

Advanced Lessons

40-minute lessons, $35/lesson

Once students finish the primary level textbook, I extend the lessons to allow time for additional training.

I use the first 25 minutes of the lesson to review the textbook assignments and use the rest of the lesson time to continue practicing music notation, sight reading & singing, and rhythm activities.

These activities eventually evolve into a project where the student puts together their own arrangement of their favorite song. In the process of making a level-appropriate arrangement, students learn music theory, and by the end of the project, students will be able to play their own version of their favorite song.

Teen and Adult Lessons

Older students come to lessons for various reasons and for achieving different goals. While basing the structure of their lessons on my Children’s Advanced Lessons, I tailor the lessons and textbooks to suite individual needs. The lessons still start from developing basic techniques, but I will work with each student to build up their skills so that they can enjoy playing whatever style of music they want to play.

For adult students, both weekly and bi-weekly lesson options are available.